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Том XXXX Часть 1


Sweet chestnut,

Castanea sativa

Mill. and hazelnut,



L. belong

to the order Fagales. That is widespread in the temperate zone of the northern hem-

isphere. The pollination is entomophilous and anemophilous. Pollen of this plants

has small size of each grain, pollen of the genus


has been used as a marker

in studies of medium-range and long-range pollen transport. However,


pollen has been classified as an allergen by some authors [1], particularly in some

areas or countries, where studies have indicated that a high percentage of the popu-

lation is sensitive to this pollen [5].

The pollen of

Corylus avellana

L. gives allergic reaction at concentrations of 20-

30 grains in m


per 24 h [10]. Males’ inflorescences of

Corylus avellana

L. consist

of an average of 240 flowers. The average number of pollen in one inflorescence is

8,736,000 of pollen grains. It has been classified as an allergen. Allergenic diseases

induced by


pollen have been reported by various authors [6]. Therefore,

the genera of the Fagaceae and Corylaceae families play a supporting role in induc-

ing pollen allergies in Europe.

Materials and methods

For this study we used samples of pollen grains

Corylus avellana

L. (CA


, CA





, CA


) and

Castanea sativa

Mill. (CS


, CS


, CS


, CS


, CS


, CS


), collected during

the flowering period fromM.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden in Kyiv. Pollen

was studied at the Institute of Biodiversity and Biological Safety Slovak Agricul-

tural University in Nitra using an electron microscope ZEISS LS 15. The samples

of pollen grains applied to double-tape, fastened to metal object’s tables with a di-

ameter of 10 mm. Measurement of morphometric parameters were performed on 80

pollen grains of

Corylus avellana

L. and

Castanea sativa

Mill. using the program

AxioVision Rel. The characterization of pollen grains (Figure 1, 2) was

calculated by taking the following parameters: the polar axis (P – line connecting

the proximal and distal pole), the equatorial axis (E – a line perpendicular to the

polar axis and located in the equatorial plane), the diameter of the pores (this round

aperture in which the ratio of length to width is less than two) (Table 1, 2). The form

of pollen grains (elongation factor) was installed by the ratio of the polar axis to the

value of the equatorial diameter (P/E).

Results and discussion

Pollen grains of

Corylus avellana

L. (18 μm x 26 μm) are tripolar with deep

oncusis (lenticular spherical structures, which are unstable to acetolysis and placed

at apertures) in each pore [4]. They are characterized as an angle-aperture [3]:

equatorial apertures and apertures which are located in every corner of the pollen

grain. According to studies of pollen grains hazelnut [2]: the average length of the

diameter is 24.20 μm. Pollen grains of

Corylus avellana

L. are smooth, 3-pored,

grain with a sub-triangular polar view and sub-oblate equatorial view. The surface

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