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Совершенствование процесса перегонки виноматериалов



Результаты вторых опытных вариантов перегонки виноматериалов таковы: крепость

виноматериала - 10%; мощность основного источника - 2квт; удельный расход энергии -150

квт/л; продолжительность перегонки - 2.3 ч; количество полученного сырого спирта – 3,7 л;

крепость сырого спирта - 85%; остаточная крепость спирта в остатках виноматериала -


Несмотря на то, что в экспериментальной установке монтаж дополнительных

источников тепла частично увеличивает потребление энергии (25...50 ват/литр), этот метод

имеет значительные преимущества перед традиционными методами. В частности: упрощены

сложные перегоночные аппаратурные системы, что в свою очередь будет благоприятно

влиять на экономический эффект производства.


The purpose of this work was to simplify the devices intended for the distillation of wine and wine

materials, perfection and intensification of thermal and mass-exchange processes, increase output

of quality alcohol. For this purpose it was created an experimental distillation unit, in which

additional heat sources were added. With their help, the temperature regimes were regulated,

perfection and intensification of thermal and mass-exchange processes. that has increased the

yield and quality of alcohol. The experiments were carried out in two versions: distillation of wine

materials by the existing method and distillation of wine materials in combination with basic and

additional heat sources.

The results of the distillation of wine materials by the traditional method are as follows: Kind

of wine material - Tsolikouri; The strength of wine materials - 10%; Apparatus capacity - 2 kw;

Power consumption -100 kw /l; Duration of distillation – 3,5 h; The amount of crude alcohol –

5,54 l; Strength of raw alcohol – 81,9%; Residual strength of alcohol in the remains of wine

material - 5%.

The results of the first experimental variants of distillation of wine materials are as follows:

The strength of wine materials - 10%; Apparatus capacity - 2 kw; Power consumption -125 kw /l;

Duration of distillation – 2,53 h; The amount of crude alcohol – 3,57 l; Strength of raw alcohol –

84,4%; Residual strength of alcohol in the remains of wine material - 3,9%.

The results of the second experimental variants of distillation of wine materials are as

follows: The strength of wine materials - 10%; Apparatus capacity - 2 kw; Power consumption

-150 kw /l; Duration of distillation – 2,3 h; The amount of crude alcohol – 3,7 l; Strength of raw

alcohol – 85%; Residual strength of alcohol in the remains of wine material - 3,75%.

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека