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ͪКормопроизводствоͫ № 7, 2015

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V. A. Shilin, PhD Tech. Sc.

O. A. Gerasimova, PhD Tech. Sc.

Department of Animal Husbandry Mechanization and Electric Energy in Agriculture,

Velikolyksky state agricultural academy

182112, Russia, Pskov region, Velikie Luki, prospekt Lenina, 2


The arƟcle deals with the issue of creaƟng favourable condiƟons for dairy caƩle when grazing at the pasture com-

plexes. Nowadays it is of great importance to eliminate the stress when managing the livestock. Numerous re-

search reveals great pracƟcal meaning of stress-free livestock management at any process step. The most im-

portant step is summer grazing. Proper livestock management can minimize the stress. Under strong permanent

stress the cows decrease their producƟvity and immunity. Typical summer stress factors are: solar radiaƟon and

rain. In order to create favourable condiƟons for the animals there was developed a mobile shed to protecƟon the

animals from solar radiaƟon and rain. The mobile shed was developed taking into account numerous research on

animal welfare and considering the current aspects of livestock pasture management. The shed approbaƟon took

place on the Pskov region farms. The grazing started aŌer the morning milking and lasted a total of 12 hours. Then

the cows were driven home for the evening milking. Every day the cows were grazed in a new paddock. Each pad-

dock was 2 ha in size, with producƟvity up to 8000 fodder units. The grass cover requires one month to recover.

The total pasture area was 60 ha. The pasture was divided into 25…30 paddocks; therefore the porƟonal grazing

was organized. To protect the grass cover and soil from damage there were organized special areas for caƩle driv-

ing, watering and access roads. The paddocks and driving areas were bordered with electric fence


. Three

mobile sheds were installed in the paddock. Then they were moved from paddock to paddock aŌer the animals.

The use of mobile sheds led to an increase in the cows’ producƟvity. This approbaƟon has shown the advantage

of comfortable pasture condiƟons compared to the usual ones. During the hot period the temperature under the

shed was 8…10º C lower than outside it; the sunstroke cases were excluded; the animals behavior became more

calm due to the lower exposure to blood-sucking insects; the rain protecƟon was saƟsfactory; specific cost-effec-

Ɵveness amounted to 2480 RUB kg


. During the approbaƟon no shed went out of order.


pasture, movable shed, receptacle, purse line, wind load, approbaƟon.

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