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large-scale prediction map is presented for a key site in Southern Karelia.

Golovanov D.L., Yamnova I.A.

Reflection of gypsum formation on de-

tailed soil maps: visualization, genetic interpretation, approaches to digital

mapping //

Digital soil mapping: theoretical and experimental studies. – M.:

Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, 2012. Р. 236-251.

The ways to reflect on soil maps the gypsum formation in soils characterized by a

different hydromorphism degree and the salinization pattern in arid regions have been

comprehensively analyzed. Along with the gypsum content and the depth of maximum

gypsum accumulation, other parameters such as the predominant form (incrustive, nodu-

lar and powdery with subtypes and varieties) of gypsic pedofeatures in soil is used for

genetic interpretation. Under discussion are two versions to show morphotypes of

gypsiferous horizons on the soil map. In the first version, the parameters are used that are

not recognized in the soil classification but can be mapped. In the second case, they are

demonstrated on the map at a higher taxonomic level including subtype, type and even

trunk (high order level) at the expense of increasing the genetic importance of different

forms of gypsum formation. A comprehensive analysis of relationships between

morphotypes of gypsiferous horizons and the hydromorphism degree and pattern of soils,

their location in landscape and the water regime permits to build a digital mapping model

of their localization based upon the detailed digital elevation model, remote sensing im-

ages and the amelioration history.




Multi-dimensional analysis of the soil cover based up-

on field and remote sensing information //

Digital soil mapping: theoretical and

experimental studies. – M.: Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, 2012. Р. 252-268.

Under consideration are methods of multi-dimensional statistical analysis em-

ployed for studying geosystems, their components and the soil cover in particular. It is

shown that there exists a possibility to reflect spatial variability of field data through var-

ying the relief properties and multispectral reflection of geosystems. Based upon this fact

it seemed possible to determine a definite number of independent and physically inter-

preted linear combinations of these properties capable to describe spatial differentiation

of the major characteristics of the soil cover in order to show its relatively discrete state.

Simakova M.S., Rukhovich D.I., Koroleva P.V., Vilchevskaya Ye.V., Kalinina


Digital soil map of European Russia based on the State Soil Map //


soil mapping: theoretical and experimental studies. – M.: Dokuchaev Soil Science

Institute, 2012. Р. 269-283.

Under discussion is the digital soil map of European Russia based on the State Soil

Map at 1:1000 000 scale that has been being compiled for 60 years. A higher information

capacity and the role of the State Soil Map in the economy of Russia as well as in the de-

velopment of genetic soil science and soil mapping is highly estimated. The State Soil

Map served as a basis for creating GIS and DSM of European Russia. The attributive da-

tabase for this map has been elaborated now. Shortcomings in the content and methods to

reflect it on the State Soil Map are discussed in detail to be eliminated. The content and

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