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Belousova N.I., Meshalkina Yu.L.


xample of harmonization of the data

on boreal soils in Russia //

Digital soil mapping: theoretical and experimental

studies. – M.: Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, 2012. Р. 108-115.

It is rather difficult to create an extensive database due to the fact that the soil data

have been obtained for various purposes in different time embracing a territory with vary-

ing degree of detail. Peculiar features of heterogeneous data harmonization are exempli-

fied by the database of boreal soils in Russia that includes more than 700 soil profiles.

The data about boreal soils confined to loamy parent materials with well-drained condi-

tions were taken from literature sources published over the last 60 years. Harmonization

of collected data was performed according to Russian Soil Classification (1977) and de-

tailed characteristics of soil horizons. The distribution of soil profiles at the territory of

Russia, morphological descriptions provided with analytical data, possibilities to find

precisely the profile location and to use the landscape information have been thoroughly


Samsonova V.P., Meshalkina Yu.L.

The study of uncertainties arising in

detailed digital mapping of agro-gray forest soils in Bryansk opolje



soil mapping: theoretical and experimental studies. – M.: Dokuchaev Soil Science

Institute, 2012. Р. 116-123.

Under comparison are traditional soil map, the map compiled by indicator kriging

and that created by digital soil mapping with the use of digital elevation model and space-

borne imagery. It is shown that the relationships between relief and soil-forming factors

have been suffered from anthropogenic effects at the territory under study. At the same

time, the connection of terrain attributes with soil classes is clearly expressed in some

parts of the given territory. The traditional soil map provides only 65% at its best of the

actual situation. As a rule, the maps of soil properties compiled on the basis of repeated

mapping reveal their similarity. The maximum correlation coefficient is 0.85, being de-

creased to 0.42-0.45 in case of considerable change in the sampling scheme or due to re-

duction of a number of sampling points.

Korolyuk T.V.

The soil interpretation of the space-borne images by the

methods of digital soil mapping //

Digital soil mapping: theoretical and experi-

mental studies. – M.: Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, 2012. Р. 124-139.

An algorithm of the soil interpretation of high resolution space-borne images of

arable lands is presented. The goal of this research was to develop a procedure for updat-

ing the State Soil Map of Russia (1:1,000,000) on the basis of new information and GIS

technology. The test area lies in the Precaukasian loess plains. The algorithm includes

both visual interpretation and image processing techniques. Both of them allow interpret-

ing soils with bare surface (no vegetation). For interpretation of soils under crops (crop

density below 40-50%), digital processing is recommended in the way of image classifi-

cation and analysis of mean digital values of clusters in green, red and NIR bands. In is

worth noting that, for interpretation of arable soils, choice of the season of remotely

sensed data acquisition is very important.

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