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methods used at the first stage of correcting the digital map version are shown. Under

consideration are also problems connected with the elaboration of the database for the

digital soil map of European Russia.

Krenke A.I.

Correction of soil maps based on remote sensing and digital

elevation models //

Digital soil mapping: theoretical and experimental studies. –

M.: Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, 2012. Р. 284-301.

Traditional soil maps are extremely valuable for spatial analysis of soils and pro-

cesses which proceed in them; the soil maps may be considered as soil cover models.

However, they reveal subjectivity and uncertainty in delineating the boundaries between

different soil types. This paper provides a deeper insight in correction methods of soil

maps and identification of basic linear relationships characterizing the soil cover through

properties of vegetation and topography by means of the up-to-date measuring devices,

remote sensing techniques and the methods of mathematical statistics.

Mikhailov I.S., Mikhailov S.I.

Experience in creating the digital version of

a sheet of the State Soil Map (Sheet P-46 North-Eniseisk) //

Digital soil map-

ping: theoretical and experimental studies. – M.: Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute,

2012. Р. 302-309.

A digital version of the sheet P-46 (North-Eniseisk) in the State Soil Map of Rus-

sia has been created. The above sheet was compiled on the basis of field data obtained by

a number of specialists and the space-borne imagery. The ArcGIS program was used to

delineate boundaries of soil areas in this digital version. As a result, a vector layer has

been specified, in which every polygon corresponds to elementary soil area provided with

attributive database. The digital version of this map permits to employ GIS-methods for

analyzing the soil cover and to visualize maps according to each parameter containing in

the attributive database.

Sharyi P.A., Rukhovich O.V., Sharaya L.S.

Prediction modeling of winter

wheat yield and its characteristics //

Digital soil mapping: theoretical and exper-

imental studies. – M.: Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, 2012. Р. 310-326.

Under study is a relationship between the winter wheat yield and the environmen-

tal factors as well as relief, climate and soil by using “Agrogeos” database. It is shown

that the identified close relationships serve as evidence of higher yields due to optimal

fertilizers at the territory located in the western part of the Oka river basin. Spatial varia-

bility of this increase in yield (74-78%) is explained by relief, climate, soils and

agrotechnical practices used but the leading environmental factors are slopes of the

south-western exposition, the winter precipitation in February and soil type.

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