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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (24), IV кв. 2016


Биологические и сельскохозяйственные науки

vol. 8 (166), pp. 19-25. (in Russian)

22. Migunova E. S. Les i lesnye zemli (kolichestvennaja ocenka vzaimo-svjazej)

[Forest and forest land (quantifying inter-relations)]. Kharkov, a New word Publ., 2010.

364 p.

23. Ivanov L. A. Light and moisture in the life of woody plants. Trudy V Timirjazev-

skie chtenija [Proc. of the “V Timiryazev reading”]. Moscow, 1946. 46 p. (in Russian)

24. Zel’niker J. L. Effect of light intensity on the parameters of the crown structure

of spruce. Lesovedenie [Forestry], 1995, no. 5, pp. 73-78. (in Russian)

25. Druzhinin F. N. Above-ground phytomass of under canopy spruce after integrated

logging. Lesnoj zhurnal [Forest journal], 2012, no. 3, pp. 19-24. (in Russian)

26. Kramer P. D., Kozlovsky T. Fiziologija drevesnyh rastenij [Physiology of woody

plants ]. Moscow, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 627 p.

27. Malkina I. S. Photosynthesis of Scots pine . Lesovedenie [Forestry], 1981, no.

4, pp. 83-89. (in Russian)

28. Zarubina L. V. Dynamics of the formation of the pigment of the Foundation

and growth of spruce in the birch blueberry in the ontogenesis of the forest.

Molochnohozjajstvennyj vestnik [Dairy Bulletin], 2016, no. 2 (22), pp. 26-36 . (in


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