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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (24), IV кв. 2016


Биологические и сельскохозяйственные науки

Spruce undergrowth biomass structure in birch forests of

various ages

Zarubina Liliya Valer’evna, Candidate of Sciences (Agriculture), associate professor

of the Forestry Management Chair


Federal StateBudgetaryEducational Institutionof Higher Education theVereshchagin

State Dairy Farming Academy of Vologda

Pyatovskaya Svetlana Aleksandrovna, the first-year student of master-degree


Federal StateBudgetaryEducational Institutionof Higher Education theVereshchagin

State Dairy Farming Academy of Vologda


In birch forests of bilberry type in vegetation conditions the influence of

age statement of leaf-canopy on biometrical parameters of spruce undergrowth under

the Syamzhenskiy district of the Vologda region is studied. It is established that with the

birch age increase the conditions for growth and development of conifer undergrowth

deteriorate, as a result it changes the biomass structure, morphometrical parameters

and age of under canopy needles.


birch stands of various ages, blueberry types of growing places’

conditions, spruce undergrowth, biomass structure.

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека