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Организация снабженческо-сбытовой деятельности перерабатывающего предприятия и мероприятия по ее совершенствованию


внутреннего рынка существенно увеличилась. Основными партнерами предприятия на

внешнем рынке являются предприятия и организации Российской Федерации, рынок

Казахстана и рынок Киргизии.

Для совершенствования снабженческо-сбытовой деятельности предприятия нами

рекомендуется провести реорганизацию сырьевого отдела и создание группы маркетинговых

исследований. Считаем, что практическая реализация данных рекомендаций позволит

исключить дублирование функций в рамках структурного подразделения и обеспечить

мониторинг внутренней и внешней рыночной среды.


In this article attention is paid to the organization of supplying and marketing activity on

processing enterprise. OJC Skidelsky Sugar Plant acts as an object of a research. In the course of

the research the monographic method, a method of the comparative analysis, a graphic method

and also system approach have been used. Primary data of OJC Skidelsky Sugar Plant, the

statistical reporting, works of domestic and foreign scientists have formed for carrying out

researches base.

For the purpose of assessment of the organization of supplying activity at the enterprise activity of

raw department has been analysed, functional duties of staff of department and also structure of

deliveries of a main type of raw materials (sugar beet) in a section of suppliers with the indication

of degree of impurity of beet and its sugar content are studied.

Marketing activity of the enterprise is carried out by department of marketing. The main objective

of staff of department is the organization of sales of granulated sugar, citric acid and also a press

dried granulated. The analysis of sales markets in dynamics of years has shown that the share of

domestic market has significantly increased. The main partners of the enterprise in foreign market

are the enterprises and the organizations of the Russian Federation, the market of Kazakhstan and

the market of Kyrgyzstan.

For improvement of supplying and marketing activity of the enterprise we recommend to carry out

reorganization of raw department and creation of group of market researches. We consider that

implementation of these recommendations will allow to exclude duplication of functions within

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