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Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока, № 6 (49), 2015 г.


Ряд образцов сочетали высокое качество

зерна и урожайность (Одесская 265, №64 MV

09-04, ЕCVD 14/SERI. Образцы №70, №76,

Paralus 4930 S14, 401/05, 143/05 и 1744/04, вы-

делились по комплексу показателей качества

(содержание белка и клейковины в зерне, SDS-


Список литературы

1. Марченко Д.М. Изучение взаимосвязи

морфобиологических признаков мягкой ози-

мой пшеницы: автореф. дис. … канд. с.-х. на-

ук. Рассвет, 2012. 22 с.

2. Самофалов А.П., Подгорный С.В. Ис-

ходный материал в селекции озимой пшеницы

на продуктивность // Аграрный вестник Урала.

2014. № 5 (123). С. 13-16.

3. Методика Государственного сортоиспы-

тания сельскохозяйственных культур. М., 1989.

194 с.

4. Доспехов Б.А. Методика полевого опы-

та. М.: Колос, 1985. 336 с.

5. КопусьМ.М., Нецветаев В.П., Копусь Е.М.

и др. Экспресс-методы оценки селекционного

материала пшеницы по качеству зерна // Дости-

жения науки и техники АПК. 2010. №1. С. 19-22.

Results of the study of winter wheat collection material on productivity and quality

Romanyukina I.V.,

senior researcher,

Marchenko D.M.,

PhD in agriculture, head of department,

Grichanikova T.A.,

leading researcher,

Rybas I.A.,


Ignatieva N.G.,

head of the laboratory

All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops after I.G. Kalinenko, Zernograd, Rostov region,


The article gives the results of tree year study of winter wheat collection material of various ecologic-

territorial origins under the conditions of the Rostov region. We analyzed 230 samples of wheat on productivi-

ty, protein and gluten content in grain and SDS-sedimentation. The samples Odesskaya 265, №64 MV 09-04,

and ЕCVD 14/SERI have been selected as the sources of productivity. During the years of study protein con-

tent in grain varied from 12.02 to 14.82% in average. The samples 401/05, SERI, PYN/BAV, №76, №73,

Esaul, Pannonikus, №64 MV 09-04, №70, ЕCVD 14/SERI, Paralus 4930 S 14, Muck (k-64025), and Everest

have been selected according to this trait. Gluten content in grain varied from 15.9 to 30,6% in average. The

samples 401/05, SERI, ЕCVD 14/SERI, №64 MV 09-04, №76, PYN/BAV, Flame, Paralus 4930 S 14,

1744/04, Zlatka, 143/05, INTENSIVNAYA, 1083/02, 517/05, №70, Pannonikus, Esaul, Stamena, к-59738, к-

64098, 631/05, and 180/07 formed stable gluten content in grain (more than 25%) during all years of the study.

Comparative study of SDS-sedimentation showed its substantial variation from 36 to 61 ml. Twenty five sam-

ples, including Kiriya, Kokhana, Smena, Kosovitsya, Єднiсть, №70, №76, ЕCVD 14 SERI, Paralus 4930 S

14, 401/05, 143/05, 1744/04, 180/07, and Prestizh, showed high levels of SDS- sedimentation (more than 50

ml) during the years of study. The samples №70, №76, ЕCVD 14/SERI, Paralus 4930 S 14, 401/05, 143/05,

and 1744/04 have been selected according to three indicators of quality (protein and gluten content in grain,

SDS-sedimentation). The results of the study can be used in selection of initial material for new varieties

breeding with hybridization.


sample, soft winter wheat, productivity, protein, gluten, SDS-sedimentation


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Ekspress metody otsenki selektsionnogo

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Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека