Bulgarian flora. The endemics
Astragalus aitosemis
A. thracica
unique plant communities. They belong to a particular vegetation type - tragacantha
steppe as described by the mssian botanists. In this category fall the habitats o f
distributed only on tire most - southern spurs of the Eastern Stara Planina Mts.
at 90-550 m a.s.l. This species is a dominant in the vegetation composition. The present-
day isolated distribution of these plant communities is a secondary' one as a result of
human interference ( Велчев, Бондов, 1975). They are similar to the plant communi
ties of
A. angustifolius
The localities for most of the
species resemble characteristic refiigia
with a thermophilous flora rich in pontic-slcppe and mediterranean species. Their
declaration in near future as protected territories will have a positive effect resulting in
the conservation of the entire fioristic complexes.
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Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека