the confidence interval was: FL - 7.4%, L-10.8%. The correlation
coeficients between F
and derived F5f F
generations were
positive with values for different groups: FL-r=0.154 to 0.815” ,
L-r = 0.170-0.724*. Selection advance was for FL method
between 18.3-47.6% and heritability 0.41-0.71 depending on
the collection concerned. The required level of frost resistance
in Czech Republic is lower than in Russia. (Hanisova. Horcicka.
Hanis, 2000).
Doubled haploids by in vitro androgenesis have been
produced in cooperation with Academy of Sciences and Research
Institute of Plant Production in Prague-Ruzyne since 1992 in
Fp F
and F
generations. Our results has shown that performance
the DH lines are not so good as lines produced by conventional
systems. Till this days we have not positive results.
We expect in near future the introduction of molecular
technics in our breeding programme, mainly molecular markers
for quality and disease resistance.
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Budapest: 95
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resistance to mildew and rusts in wheat, (in Protection of Cereals Crops against Harmful
Organisms, Kromcriz) 119-124.
Hanisova A., Petr J., Hruskova M. (1995): Possibility of evaluation breadmaking
quality for wheat breeding by Panasonic Automatic Bread Maker. Genet, a Slccht.,31:
Horcicka P., Markova O., Hanisova A. Effects of Scptoria and Pyrcnophora on
reduction of winter wheat yield (in press)
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parameters in Swedish wheats. J. Genet. Breed.,53: 93-98
Kubanck J., Hanisova A., Horcicka P.( 1999): The use of mixed samples for analyses
of HMW glutcnin subunits in wheat breeding. Czech J. Genet.Plant Breed.,35: 11-16
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(1998): Relationships between mixograph parameters and indices of wheat grain quality.
J. Cereal Sci.,27: 179-189
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