pedigree of eight Martonvasar varieties, to the greatest extent
(25 %) in Martonvasari 25 and Mv Magma. Bezostaya 4 can be
detected in the pedigrees of twenty-two Martonvasar varieties,
but with the exception of two varieties, Martonvasari 21 and
Mv Madrigal, its parental ratio is less than 10 %. This can be
explained by the fact that in the majority of cases the crosses
were not carried out with Bezostaya 4 itself, but with
Martonvasar lines created using this variety. Rannyaya 47 is
only present in the genealogy of one variety, Martonvasari 18.
Considering the mean contributions of the six Krasnodar
varieties it can thus be concluded that Bezostaya
made up
26.24 %of the total parental ratio of the Martonvasar varieties,
Kavkaz 18.01 %, Krasnodar 1 16.07 %, Avrora 15.31 %, Bezostaya
2 6.64 % and Bezostaya 4 2.51 %. All in all the six varieties
bred by Lukyanenko thus had a total parental ratio of 45.28 %
in the state registered Martonvasar varieties.
A . H a n is o v a , P. H o rc ic k a
S tu p ic e , SELGEN - C zech
R e p u b lic
Wheat breeding was started in 1905 originally on the
countiy estate belonging to Baron Mattencloit of Pysely. In
1921 SELECTA company founded breeding station in Stupice
and material from Pysely was transferred here in 1921. At this
time Stupice belongs to share company SELGEN, which was
established in its present form in 1991 by its separation from
OSEVA. Winter and spring wheat and spring barley are
included in the present breeding programmes of Stupice
station. Since the year 1922 till these days
varieties of winter
wheat and 9 varieties of spring wheat were registered. In the
are on the list of registered varieties
winter wheat
varieties and 4 spring wheat varieties in Czech Republic. Some
of them are also registered abroad.
The cooperation with Krasnodar Lukyanenko Research
Institute of Agriculture was intensive mainly in years 1970-
1990. We were using many varieties and lines in our crossing
programmes. The most succesful parent was BEZOSTAJA 1,
which is in the pedigree of five our winter wheat varieties —
9 Заказ 71
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