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Ñàäîâîäñòâî è âèíîãðàäàðñòâî, ¹ 5, 2016



сертифицированного посадочного материала, свободного от вирусных и фитоплазменных за-

болеваний; качественное улучшение работы внешнего карантина, исключение ввоза импортного

посадочного материала с низким фитосанитарным статусом; стимулирование развития ко-

операции в области заготовки и переработки плодов и ягод в местах производства; применение

инструментов защиты внутреннего рынка.

Ключевые слова:

садоводство, питомниководство, технология, сорт, инновационное развитие.

In the article the questions concerning the development of horticulture are reported, the role of science in

improving the effectiveness of AIC is shown, the analysis of research areas, making a substantial contri-

bution to the innovative development of horticulture is given, the role of state support in the development

of domestic horticulture is considered. The facts, testifying to the innovative development of horticulture

are presented, the need to develop the nursery in the country is emphasized. The specific proposals for

the development of horticulture and nursery, to ensure the implementation of food security doctrine of

the Russian Federation is given. Examples of the effective use of genetic collections of fruit and small

fruit cultures in the creation of new varieties are considered. Biochemical data evaluation of apple fruits

varieties of domestic and foreign breeding, information on the use of domestic breeding achievements

in Russia and abroad are presented. Analysis of assortment of fruit and small fruits crops in the State

register of selection achievements, admitted to use is given. The estimated data for the consumption of

imported products: seedlings of fruit crops, plant protection means, commercial products of horticulture

were shown. The program for production of certified planting material, elaborated by a team of scientists

of research institutions in horticulture have been proposed. The estimated data for the needs of basic

nurseries in resources to ensure the program of orchards plantation of apple, proposed by the state sup-

port of the basic nurseries of apple trees (excluding nurseries fields), the calculation of the necessary

financial resources for the development of nursery in the Russian Federation are given. As the necessary

support measures are noted: efficiency analysis of invested in the horticulture subsidies; the adoption of

the Federal Law “On genetic resources” and amendments to the Federal Law “On the seed”; restoration

of full-fledged, qualified management of the development of capital-intensive production in the structure

of regional ministries of agriculture; development of regional Programs of development of horticulture,

including coordinated subjects of the program of planting material production; tab in the budget financial

resources for the scientific support of the processes of horticulture development in general and its founda-

tions – nursery; the introduction of a differentiated amount of subsidies to the tab perennial plantations

domestic or imported planting material; the introduction of special import duties on imported planting

material; system to restore the production of certified seed of varieties that have specific areas sufficient

adaptive capacity - local breeding or clone varieties of exotic species; development and approval of nor-

mative documents regulating the processes of production of certified seed free of virus and phytoplasma

diseases; qualitative improvement of the external quarantine, elimination of import of planting material

with low phytosanitary status; encourage the development of cooperation in the preparation and process-

ing of fruits and small fruit production; application of instruments to protect the domestic market.

Key words:

horticulture, nursery, technology, variety, innovative development.


тратегической целью продовольствен-

ной безопасности страны является

обеспечение населения качественной сель-

скохозяйственной продукцией и продоволь-

ствием. Российский агропромышленный ком-

плекс располагает необходимыми ресурсами

и обладает достаточным потенциалом для до-

стижения этой цели [1-3].

Исследователями установлено, что содер-

жание биологически активных веществ в пло-

дах и ягодах сортов отечественной селекции

выше по сравнению с теми же показателями у

зарубежных сортов (табл. 1).

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека