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Эффективность использования зеленых удобрений в виноградниках на террасах


green soil is meant. This ploughing is done in order to increase the fertilization of soil. The process

is called sideratio; crops planted to make sideration are called- siderites.

Several leguminous plants are used as siderites. These are: lupine, autumn vetch. Sometimes ,

non-leguminous plants may be used as green fertilizer , such as: mustard and buckwheat or the

mixture of leguminous and cereal crops can be also used. For example: oats and vetch

mixture.Plants for green fertilizers are ploughed in soil in flowering period and in the phase of

taking green bags of plants,as the mass is decaying faster in this period. Ploughing of siderites

should be done before. Green fertilizer is useful in many ways to form some good features of soil:

1.Ploughed green mass enriches the soil with organic substances, and as a result of this process

its physical-chemical features are improved (thermic regime, airing and


, which increases

crop of agricultural plants and rises fertilization of soil;

2.Soil is enriched with feeding elements, such as nitrogen;

3.Soil erosion dicreas and its fertilization increase;

4.Washing of soil nitrogen is dicreased ; as a result of this process the balance of nitrogen is


5.Activation of nitric micro organisms existed in soil increases which is followed by increasing of

atmospheric nitrogen fixation and supply of soil nitrogen;

6.Decay of ploughed green mass causes production of carbon dioxide, which intensifies plant


7.Leguminous crops used as siderites develop deep root system on their own, they also loosen the

soil and obtain feeding elements from lower layers. Afterploughing siderites, the arable layer is

enriched with are crucial for plants;

8.some of the siderites are able to obtain phosphorus fro mixturtes wich are difficult to be soluble

( ferum, aluminum and calcium three-shift phosphate ) and give organic mixtures tack to the soil.

These mixtures become available for other crops as a result of mineralization;

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