www.kormoproizvodstvo.ruͪКормопроизводствоͫ № 7, 2015
4. Ekologicheskoe sostoyanie i nauchnye osnovy plodorodiya zasolennykh i podverzhennykh opustynivaniyu pochv Zapadnogo
Prikaspiya / G. N. Gasanov, M. M. Abasov
et al
. —Moscow: Nauka, 2006. — 416 p.
5. Dospekhov B. A. Metodika polevogo opyta / B. A. Dospekhov. —Moscow: Kolos, 1995. — 416 p.
6. Kovda V. A. Pochvennyy pokrov, ego uluchshenie, ispolzovanie i okhrana / V. A. Kovda. —Moscow: Nauka, 1981. — 181 p.
I. R. Gamidov, PhD Agr. Sc.
N. R. Magomedov, Dr. Agr. Sc.
V. K. Serderov, PhD Agr. Sc.
Dagestan Research Institute of Agriculture named after F. G. Kisriev
367014, Russia, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, Akushinskogo str., Nauchnyy gorodok
niva1956@mail.ruThe paper presents experimental data on the Kizlyar pastures and the effects of different agronomic, phyto-melio-
raƟve and organizaƟonal measures for the conservaƟon of plant communiƟes and the prevenƟon of deserƟfica-
Ɵon. The low level of feed availability and the poor quality of the feeds are the main limiƟng factors in increasing
the efficiency of animal farming in the Republic of Dagestan. This problem is parƟcularly serious in the north-west-
ern Caspian Sea region. In 1959 the deserƟficaƟon process covered 3.5 % of Kizlyar pastures, in 1972 this number
increased up to 37.2 % and then it rose steadily, being 89.6 % in 1986 and 92.5 % in 2000. The employees of the De-
partment of Forage ProducƟon and Grassland Management carried out several experiments in the Nogai district,
located in the north of the Republic of Dagestan. Six experimental plots were made on 200 ha of degraded pas-
ture area. Only local plants were used for seeding: thin- and thickspike wheatgrass, glaucous wheatgrass (
ron glaucum
) and
Bassia prostrata
Kochia prostrata
Schrad). To create mulƟcomponent agrophytocenoses,
gonum aphyllum
Ceratoides papposa
Bassia prostrata
Kochia prostrata
) were used. Wheatgrass pastures pay
off in the first year of use; Bassia and Kochia ones pay off in 3…4 years. The cost of sand-fixing with
, Altai
wildrye (
Leymus angustus
) and glaucous wheatgrass pay off in 3…4 years. That was calculated without taking into
account the prevenƟon of sand-filling the neighboring usable grasslands.
is aƩracƟve as a spring-sum-
mer forage plant and
— for the year-round use. To improve environmental condiƟons and producƟvity of de-
graded pastures it is of paramount importance to provide these lands a two-year grazing-free period. According to
the results of the research, a year free from sheep grazing increases the feed output from up to 0.54 tons ha
. The
reference variant resulted in 0.28 tons ha
of feed. Two-year grazing-free period ensured a threefold increase that
amounted up to 0.97 tons ha
edible DM. For a total of two years these areas provided 1.51 tons ha
; the reference
variant amounted up to 0.59 tons ha
edible DM. Two-year grazing-free period contributed to the recovery of valu-
able forage grasses, especially cereals. Before the grazing-free period they made only 10 % of all plants (by weight),
aŌer a year of no grazing their share had risen to 25.7 %, and aŌer two years it increased up to 45 %.
arid zone, deflaƟon, pasture digression,
Bassia prostrata
Calligonum aphyllum
, glaucous wheatgrass,
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