Основные проблемы государственного регулирования сельского хозяйства
отрасли в существующих условиях.
Для создания конкурентоспособных условий развития отрасли, государству вновь необходимо
совершенствовать систему управления. В работе проведён анализ основных ошибок, допущенных
при формировании регулирующей системы. Проанализирован западный и отечественный подход
к регулированию отрасли сельского хозяйства. Указаны основные аспекты, на которые нужно
обратить внимание при выработке мер государственного регулирования сельскохозяйственной
For the successful development of the agricultural sector needs an effective management system.
Used in the agricultural sector, the management system cannot perform its functions fully. Food
security of the country directly depends on the degree of development of the national economy,
which includes all the agricultural sector, including agribusiness. Agribusiness affects about 70
sectors of the economy, therefore measures for its regulation shall be taken at the Federal level.
In conditions of market relations the role of government in agriculture is to develop legislative and
regulatory measures, but in the Russian Federation the role of government regulation is not confined
to legislative measures, but also requires considerable financial support of the sector. Theorists
consider issues of state regulation, based on the classical model.
After the rejection of the administrative system of MarxismLeninism, the bet was made on the
Western approach, but it has not caught on due to the lack of conditions for further development.
One of the key mistakes is learning from foreign models and patterns, without taking into account
their specific requirements. The Marxist model has led to the monopolization of the market in the
country, but if the situation on the domestic market, the state could control, on the world market,
the situation was worse. You also need to consider the difference state priorities. In the past the main
objective was to provide jobs. At this stage, the state's task of forming a system which would
facilitate the development of the industry in the current environment.
To create competitive conditions of the industry development, the government reiterated the need to
improve the control system. In the analysis of the main mistakes made during the formation of the
regulatory system. Analyzed Russian and Western approach to the regulation of the industry of
agriculture. Identifies the main aspects that you need to pay attention in the development of
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