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disinfested tissues were plated on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) amended with 50pg/ml

streptomycine sulfate. The plates were incubated at 22 ±2 °C. Colonies exhibiting the taxonomic

features of

Fusarium oxysporum

were identified according to the Booth (1970)* Nelson et ai.

(i9S6), and Domsch et a!. (1980). Later single spore or hyphai tip subcultures of these isolates were


Pathogenicity tests. To confirm identify of the fungus, pathogenicity tests were conducted by

using susceptible cv. Kirkagaip. Melon seedlings grown in plastic trays were removed and roots were

washed off in tap water. Inoculations were made by root dipping technique with spore suspension of

lxI0rt conidia per millilitre (Zink and Gubler, 1986). Incidence of the disease was found 30'days after

the inoculation.

Reactions of melon cultivars to Fusarium wilt. Experiments were conducted with pot tests

in the greenhouse. Melon cultivars tested were Peteg (Haso^erko)* Azizo, Diyarbakir yuvariak,

Diyarbakir uzun, Aitmbas, Ktrkagav, Hasanbey, Kirkaga9-589, 8Fi Galia, 34 FI Ananas, 33 F|

Ananas, Amilara, Adiyaman, £е$те 1/3, <^e$mc 5/11, Kirkaga9-637, Babieca

RZ 929,


Aikido Fb 1051 llito, Bergpass Ft>Ce?me 7/8, Ce§rne 1/1, Diyarbakir dilimii, (^umra and Cinikiz-98.

Inoculation technique and inoculum suspension were used as stated in pathogenicity. Resistant and

susceptible reactions were recorded 30 days after inoculations.


The results of survey tvere summarized in Table 1. According to the Table 1, 205 fields (ca.3

255 ha) were sampled in the region. Fusarium wilt disease survey indicated that the disease was

widespread in Diyarbakir, Adiyaman and Mardin provinces. Incidence of the disease was 53.3%,

42.5% and 46 6% in the Diyarbakir, Adiyaman and Mardin, respectively. Prevalence of wilt

pathogen was 96.1%, 86 8% and 81.5% in same provinces, respectively. Similar results to our

findings were obtained in same region in 1988, but Fusarium wilt of melon was absent in the region

(Sagtr. 1988) In another survey study performed in the Mediteranean region of Turkey, disease

prevalence was.66.6% to 72.2% in Adana province and 66 6% to 92.5% in flatay province in 1991

to 1992, respectively (Yticci et a l. 1994).

Table I Incidence and prevalence оГ Fusarium wilt in the melon growing areas of the Southeastern

Anatolia region of Tu rk ey .______________ _________ ____ _________


Area of surveyed Incidence of

Prevalence of



fieW sJha)__ Disease (% )

Disease <%)



i 490

” 53.3


Adiyaman 62











3 255



In the evaluation of melon cultivars tor resistance to Fusarium wilt disease (Table 2), Peteg

(I lasoyerko), Azizo, Diyarbakir yuvariak, Diyarbakir uzun, Diyarbakir dilimii, Aitinba?, Kirkaga?,

ffasnnbey and Kirkagao-589 were the most susceptible cultivars. Of the cultivars tested, 8F, Galia,

14 FI Ananas, 33 F, Ananas, Amilara, Adiyaman, (pumra, £e$me 1/3, £e$me 5/1!, Kirkaga9~637,

Rabteca RZ 929, Makdimon, Aikido F», 1051 Rito, Bergpass F, and Ce$me 7/8 were all highly

resistant against Fusarium wilt. Moderate resistant cultivars were Cv$me 1/1 and £jnikiz-98. Our

findings are agreement with results of Sagir’s studies (1988) carrier! out with local cultivars Azizo,

Zcrik, Kisare$, Herbejin, Hcso


erko, Kulahli, Mollakoy, Kermcli and Van According to results of

study, the Fusarium wilt fungus has an important role in the melon production of the region.

Therefore, studies should be concentrated on determination of physiological races of the pathogen

and improvement of genetic structure of melon cultivars to wilt pathogen.


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