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Научный журнал Российского НИИ проблем мелиорации, № 2(30), 2018 г., [41–60]



1 Prokop’eva K.O., Gorokhova I.N., 2016.

Kartografirovanie oroshaemykh pochv

Svetloyarskoy orositel'noy sistemy s ispol'zovaniem dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya


[Mapping of irrigated soils of Svetloyar irrigation system using remote sensing data of

the Earth].

VII Molodezhnyy ekologicheskiy kongress «Severnaya Pal'mira»: sb. nauch. tr.

molodykh uchenykh, aspirantov, studentov i prepodavateley

[VII Youth Ecological Congress

“Northern Palmira”: Collection of scientific works of young researchers, postgraduates, stu-

dents and teachers]. SPb., NICEB RAS Publ., pp. 33-36. (In Russian).

2 Shchedrin V.N., 2017.

Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya vozmozhnostey distantsionnogo

zondirovaniya Zemli dlya upravleniya tekhnologiy pretsizionnogo oroshayemogo zemledeliya

[Prospects of using the Earth remote sensing possibilities to control the technology of preci-

sion irrigated agriculture].

Aktual'nye problemy raketno-kosmicheskoy tekhniki: materialy

V Vseros. nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konf. (V Kozlovskie chteniya)

[Actual problems of rocket

and space technology: the V


All-Russian scientific-technical conference (V Kozlov Read-

ings)]. Samara, vol. 1, pp. 275-280. (In Russian).

3 Yuzhakov A.I., Dobrotvorskaya N.I., 2003.

Sistema ekspertnoy otsenki sravnitel'noy

produktivnosti pochv s ispol'zovaniem GIS-tekhnologiy

[The system of peer review of com-

parative soil productivity using GIS technologies].

Informatsionnye tekhnologii, infor-

matsionnye izmeritel'nye sistemy i pribory v issledovanii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh protsessov:

materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «AGROINFO-2003»


mation Technologies, Information Measuring Systems and Devices in the Study of Agricul-

tural Processes: materials of the International scientific-practical conference “AGROINFO-

2003”]. Novosibirsk, SibFTI RAAS, p. 2, pp. 107-110. (In Russian).

4 King M.D., Closs J., Spangler S., Greenstone R., Wharton S., Myers M., 2003. EOS

Data Products Handbook. Vol. 1. TRMM. Terra. Data Assimilation System. Green-belt, Mar-

yland, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 258 p. (In English).

5 Ukrainskiy P.A., 2011.

Otsenka zemel' sel'skokhozyaystvennogo naznacheniya po

pokazatelyam plodorodiya dlya distantsionnogo monitoringa (na primere Belgorodskoy ob-


Avtoreferat diss. kand. geogr. nauk

[Agricultural land evaluation according to fertility

indicators for remote monitoring (on the example of the Belgorod region). Abstract of cand.

geogr. sci. diss.]. Belgorod, 23 p. (In Russian).

6 Knizhnikov Yu.F., Kravtsova V.I., Tutubalina O.V., 2004.

Aerokosmicheskie metody

geograficheskikh issledovaniy: uchebnik dlya studentov vyssh. ucheb. zavedeniy


Methods of Geographical Research: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions].

Moscow, Academy Publ., 336 p. (In Russian).

7 Lurie I.K., 2008.

Geoinformatsionnoe kartografirovanie. Metody geoinformatiki i

tsifrovoy obrabotki kosmicheskikh snimkov: uchebnik

[Geoinformational mapping. Methods

of geoinformatics and digital processing of space images: textbook]. Moscow, KDU, 424 p.

(In Russian).

8 Kravtsova V.I., 2005.

Kosmicheskie metody issledovaniya pochv: ucheb. posobiye

dlya studentov vuzov

[Space methods of soil investigation: Manual for students of higher edu-

cational institutions]. Moscow, Aspect Press Publ., 190 p. (In Russian).

9 Labutina I.A., 2004.

Deshifrirovanie aerokosmicheskikh snimkov: uchebnoe posobie

dlya studentov vuzov

[Decoding Aerospace Imagery: Manual for students of higher educa-

tional institutions]. Moscow, Aspect Press Publ., 184 p. (In Russian).

10 Trifonova T.A., Mishchenko N.V., Krasnoshchekov A.N., 2005.


matsionnye sistemy i distantsionnoe zondirovanie v ekologicheskikh issledovaniyakh: ucheb.

posobie dlya vuzov

[Geoinformation systems and remote sensing in environmental studies:

Manual for students of higher educational institutions]. Moscow, Academ. Project Publ.,

352 p. (In Russian).

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