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Молочнохозяйственный вестник, №4 (16), IV кв. 2014


истечения из влагалища экссудата на 7-8 день у животных второй опытной груп-

пы; у животных первой опытной экссудация не изменилась. В дальнейшем коровы

второй группы были плодотворно осеменены и отелились без осложнений. Лече-

ние животных первой опытной группы продолжалось еще несколько недель. По

результатам коагулограммы можно сделать заключение, что использование прибо-

ра электромагнитной терапии DETA Ritm-13 улучшает реологические свойства кро-

ви. Терапевтический эффект от лечения гнойного эндометрита с использованием

прибора электромагнитной терапии DETA Ritm-13 оказался выше, чем у животных,

не получавших физиотерапию.


The aim of the work is to study the DETA Ritm-13 influence on the dairy cows’

bodies and its efficiency in purulent endometritis treatment. The work is made at the

Anatomy and Physiology Chair of the Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology Faculty at

the N.V. Vereshchagin Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy. The research was made

on Black-and-White cattle in dairy complex “Il’inskoe” GUSP “Uchhoz “Molochnoe”

in the Vologda district, Vologda region. Two groups of animals affected by purulent

endometritis were made. The diagnosis was made on clinical basis and rectal research.

The first group was treated on the scheme applied in the complex: antobioticotherapy

and womb sanation. The second group treatment included either physiotherapy

using the DETA Ritm-13. Blood in animals had been taken before the treatment and

after 10 days since the beginning of treatment. Blood was studied on hematological,

biochemical and hemastasiological properties. During the year the clinical health of

cows was observed as well as the results of insemination/calving. Under common blood

studies normochrome anemia was detected in both groups. During the treatment both

groups increased the amount of eritrocites and haemoglobine. There is an essential

change in the amount of common protein, uria and carotene in the disease dynamics.

The level of glucose and cholesterine changed little. In reological blood properties

estimation some coagulogramm figures were valued. In clinical symptoms of purulent

endometritis in the process of treatment the absence of womb discharge of axcudita

on the 7-8th day in the second group was established; in the first group the situation

didn’t change. Then the cows from the second group were successfully inseminated and

calved without any trouble. The treatment of the first group was continued for several

weeks. According to the coagulogramm we could make the conclusion that the use of

the DETA Ritm-13 improves the reological blood properties. Therapeutic effect from

purulent endometritis treatment with the DETA Ritm-13 was higher than in animals

hadn’t been given physiotherapy.

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