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стоящее время расширена селекционная работа с более засухоустойчивыми видами: житняком

гребневидным, люцерной желтой и эспарцетом.

Проводится большой объем научных исследова-

ний по разработке технологий возделывания новых сортов на семена.

Ключевые слова:

многолетние травы, селекция, семеноводство, технологии, сорта.

In 2016 the monograph "Breeding and seed production of perennial grasses in the Central Black Earth

region of Russia" was published. The book is devoted to the analysis of the results and prospects of scien-

tific and production work of the Voronezh experimental station for perennial grass All-Russian Williams

Fodder Research Institute. The monograph describes: the history of the station and the main achievements

in breeding of forage crops, the results of studies on seed production of perennial grasses. Reflects the

current state of development of scientific work at the station, the directions and prospects of development

of selection and seed growing of perennial grasses. The book contains material on the state of the grass

cultivation in the Central Chernozem region. In particular, it is specified that the share of perennial leg-

umes and grasses in the structure of sown areas over the past 25 years has decreased in 8 times, from 17.7

to 2.3%. It is 10–12 times lower than the norms of biological agriculture. Currently, 8.5 million hectares

of arable land of the Central Black Earth region under fodder crops occupied only 0.9 million ha (11%),

including perennial grasses 0.35 million ha (or 4%). Informed of 10 million hectares of arable land of the

region under the forage crops were used about 2 million hectares (20%). The basal area of perennial

grasses able to solve the problem not only plant protein but also the preservation of soil fertility through

the use of natural environment-improving functions of fodder plants and their systemic formations – feed

agrobiocenoses. On station breeding and seed production is conducted on the main species of legumes

and grasses crops: changeable alfalfa, red clover, Lotus corniculatus, awnless brome and other grasses. In

connection with necessity of development of the livestock forage in the steppe zone is currently extended

breeding more drought-tolerant species: a comb-shaped wheatgrass, alfalfa and sainfoin yellow. A large

amount of research on the development of cultivation technologies of new varieties of seeds.


perennial grasses, breeding, seed production, technology, variety.

Воронежской опытной станцией по

многолетним травам в 2016 году опуб-

ликована монография «Селекция и семе-

новодство многолетних трав в Цен-

трально-Черноземном регионе России»

[1]. Авторы монографии – ведущие на-

учные сотрудники в области селекции и

семеноводства станции и ВНИИ кормов

им. В.Р. Вильямса: Шатский И.М., Ива-

нов И.С., Переправо Н.И., Золотарев

В.Н., Сапрыкина Н.В., Лабинская Р.М.,

Степанова Г.В., Тарасенко Н.Ф. Книга

состоит из двух глав: 1. Основные итоги

и направления селекции многолетних

трав (из шести разделов); 2. Зонально-

экологические и агротехнические осно-

вы семеноводства многолетних трав (из

21 раздела). Предисловие написано ру-

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека