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Брянской, Калужской, Орловской, Тульской, Рязанской, Липецкой, Тамбовской, Пензенской об-

ластей, южные районы Нижегородской и Московской областей, а также республик Мордовии и

Марий Эл. Существенную роль в решении задач стабилизации и повышения урожайности играет

селекция и освоение в производстве сортов с различной скороспелостью. Для устойчивого про-

изводства семян клевера лугового необходимо в структуре семенных посевов увеличить долю

средне- и раннеспелых сортов до 20 и 30-40 %. Определены основные направления развития се-

меноводства клевера разных видов с целью полного обеспечения семенами отрасли кормопроиз-


Ключевые слова:

клевер; травосеяние; семеноводство; урожайность; валовые сборы семян;

агроэкологическое районирование; технология производства

The historical aspects and the current state of clover-sowing in Russia are represented in this study. The

prospects of seed multiplication development have been pointed for the crop species, such as red clover,

white clover and hybrid clover. At present the agricultural farms manufacture the main amount of red

clover seeds for their own needs. Seed marketability was decreased from 45 to 8-10 %. At the same time

not less than 4 million hectares of clover grass mixtures at arable lands and more than 1.5 million hectares

to update the grass stands every year is required for providing the cattle stock by the complete feeds. For

creation and improvement themeadows and pastures it is necessary to have about 12.5 thousand tons of red

clover seeds and 2.5 thousand tons of white and hybrid clovers. The requirement of fodder production now

is about 18 thousand tons of different clover species seeds, including 15 thousand tons of red clover, 1.8 –

hybrid and 0.75 – white clover seeds. For the future the requirements in seeds will increase to 24 thousand

tons. Stabilization and rise of seed productivity supposes the rational disposition of seed sowings in the

most favorable regions for clover cultivation and application of the advanced technologies of production,

including usage of resources- and energy-saving agro-techniques. Introduction of effective technologies

allows formation of high-productive clover grass stands and provides decline in seed losses at harvesting to

10-20%of biological yielding. On the base of red clover yield seeds the regions for effective commercial seed

multiplication have been identified, depending on the soil-climatic conditions at cultivation. Bioclimatic

conditions of Bryansk, Kaluga, Oryol, Tula, Ryazan, Lipetsk, Tambov, Penza regions, south of Nizhniy

NovgorodandMoscowregions aswell asMordoviaandMari republics are themost favorable for commercial

seedmultiplicationof redclover. Breedinganddevelopment of varietieswithdifferent seedmaturingdateare

the significant factors for stabilization and increasing of clover yielding ability. For sustainable production

of red clover seeds it’s necessary to increase the share of early-ripening and medium-ripening cultivars, in

the structure of seed sowings, to 20 and 30-40 % accordingly. The main directions of seed multiplication

development for different clover species were determined for providing the needs of fodder production.


clover; grass-sowing; seedmultiplication; yielding ability; total seeds gathering; agro-ecological

zoning; technology of production

В решении проблемы производства энергона-

сыщенных высокобелковых объемистых кормов,

биологизации земледелия в лесной и лесостеп-

ной зонах европейской территории России, в та-

ежной и подтаежной зонах Западной Сибири и

на Дальнем Востоке важная роль принадлежит

разным видам клевера: луговому, гибридному и

ползучему. В 1 кг сухого вещества клевера лугово-

го содержится до 10,5-11,0МДж обменной энергии

и до 17-20 % сырого протеина. Продуктивность

Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека