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In NaCl step-treavu plants the observed decrease in the,relative number of the

centers was only 5%, which indicates that a gradual increase in a salt concentration does

not lead to a well expressed stress response and the adverse effect of salinity is not well


• .

In order to investigate the existence and extent of adaptation to salinity, isolated

thylakoids from untreated, salinity stressed and NaCl stepwise-treated barley plants

were subjected to a high (1M) NaCl concentration in vitro, and oxygen evolving activity

was subsequently measured.

The thylakoids isolated from untreated plants showed considerable inhibition of

oxygen evolution after such incubation, while oxygen production in NaCl stressed and

stepwise-treated plants was less affected. From these results it may be concluded that

stressed plants much greater capacity to tolerate a 1 M NaCl treatment and that

prolonged salt treatment increased the resistance chloroplast membranes towards NaCl.

Most probably, thylakoid membranes became resistant to salinity due to some Changes

in the membrane structure. Decrease in the content of galactolipids is one of factors

causing increased salt resistance. (Muller; Santarius, 1978; Stuiver et all; 1984).


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