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(Bromopsis inermis
(Leys). Holub)
A. V. Ponomarenko. V. N. Zolotarev. I. M. Shatsky
In article results o f studying the effect o f cutting crops in the period from 10 Aug-hundred
on 20 September on the formation o fpatterns o f herbage and seed yield o f awnless brome.
Found that with each successive term in the overall structure was observed in a consistent
increase in the number o f shorter less-developed shoots with 1-2 leafy, from 13 to 39 to
143 uuits/nf, or 3 to 11 times compared with the control. Timing o f mowing pronounced
noted a steady decline in most developed shoots with Jour or five leaves, 12-61 % com
pared with control. The number o f shoots with three sheets in the overall structure, on the
contrary, increased from 20 to 41%. The results o f research o f the biology o f forming
shoots awnless brome in the steppe zone o f the South Central black earth region in the
cultivation o f seeds. It is established that the development o f generative shoots awnless
brome comes from a shortened vegetative shoots with 1-6 leaves o f the previous year o f
life. The greatest number o f generative shoots, 78 and 60 %, with a high rate o f inflores
cences was formed from a shortened vegetative shoots summer-autumn tillering, having
before going into winter four and five leaves. Their seed production on 37-46 % exceeded
the similar indicator shoots with three leaves and 3.4-3.6 times two. From a shortened
vegetative shoots with two leaves for the next year only 15 % went to the generative phase.
It has been found that technology cultivation awnless brome varieties Voronezh 17 to limit
the buildup o f too much vegetative mass to the end o f the growing season and create more
favorable conditions for the formation o f seed yield in case o f active late summer growth
o fplants appropriate for the mowing seed mixtures in the period from 10 to 30 August.
smooth brome, hybrid variety, shootformation, mowing, yield, seed.
Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека