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D. M. Teberdiev
The issues o f rational use o f grazing lands have been on a research agenda from the
moment o f the State grassland institute’s foundation. The essentials o f methodology of
observation and determination of hayfield and grazing lands’ productivity were de
signed at the start of the initial studies devoted to the research topic. The technical tips
on determination of grazing lands productivity with additional elaborations, which were
published under the editorship of Konyushkov and Larin in 1935, are still widely used
among scholars. The main condition of the rational use o f grazing lands is the develop
ment o f enclosure-pasturing grazing system. The studies undertaken by Yuvenskaya in
1932-1933 showed the advantage of the enclosure-pasturing system development in
natural grass stand use. The expedience o f use o f the enclosure-pasturing grazing sys
tem was proved in 1980s due to deep and careful testing of the grazing system on high-
productivity irrigated pastures. The influence patterns o f the use of grasslands on land
productivity, floristic composition and regrow plant capacity, which were first identified
in 1930s, have been taken into account and confirmed at the time o f specialized rotation
pastures ’ arrangement.
pasture, productivity, yield, floristic composition, enclosure, stock pen, way
o f using, cattle grazing, mowing, aftermath hay crop, regrow capacity of plants, left
over feed.
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