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22. Philipupillai, J., and I. A. Ungar. 1984. The effect of seed dimorphism on the ger­

mination and survival of

Sa lico rn ia europaea

L. populations. Amer. J. Bot. 71(4):


23. Qu, X. X., Z. Y. Huang, J. M. Baskin, and С. C. Baskin. 2007. Effect of tempera­

ture, light and salinity on seed germination and radical growth of the geographically

widespread halophyte shrub

Halocnemum strobilaceum .

Annals of Botany: 1-7.

24. Rivers, W. G. and D. J. Weber. 1971. The influence of salinity and temperature on

seed germination in Salicornia bigelovii. Physiology Plantarum. Vol. 24(1): 73-75.

25. Ungar I. A. 1967. Influence of salinity and temperature on seed germination. Ohio

Journal of Science. 67(2): 120-123.

26. Ungar I. A. 1977. Salinity, temperature and growth regulator effects on seed germi­

nation of

S a lico rn ia europaea

L. Aquatic Botany. Vol. 3: 329-335.

27. Ungar I. A. 1978. Halophyte seed germination. 1978. The Botanical Review 44 (2):


28. Shamsutdinov Z. Sh., Shamsutdinov N. Halophytes Utilization for Biodiversity and

Productivity of Degraded Pastures Restoration in Arid Regions of Central Asia and

Russia // Biosaline Agriculture


High Salinity Tolerance / Eds. Chedly Abdelly,

Munir Ozturk, Muhamed Asbrafand Claude Grignon. Birkhauser Verlag. Switzer­

land. - 2008. - P. 293-240.





E. Z. Shamsutdinova, N. S. Orlovskiy, Z. Sh. Shamsutdinov

We studied seed ge rm ina tion responses o f Sa lico rn ia europaea L. to h igh concentrations

o f N aC l app lied under constant and a lte rna ting temperature regimes. Under non-saline

conditions the highest ge rm ina tion was observed f o r two opposite constant temperature

regimes: low (5 and 10 °C) and high (30 and 35 °C). A lte rn a ting temperature regimes

under non -sa line conditions were g radua lly decreasing seed ge rm ina tion from h igh to

low temperatures. H igh ge rm ina tion percentage, close to control, was observed in a

range o f 1 to 5 % N aC l a t low temperature o f both constant and a lte rna ting regimes.

These find in g s con firm p rev ious ly pub lished results. S. europaea fro m Turkmenistan

demonstrated high seed ge rm ina tion tolerance lim it (7 % N aC l) and h igh ge rm ina tion

percentage a t low temperature under broad range o f sodium ch lo ride concentrations.


Sa lico rn ia europaea, germ ination, constant and a lte rna ting temperature,

sa lin ity, recovery.


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