Aloj/л Czynczyk
Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Poland
In Poland the great majority of fruits are grown in small family
orchards. About 92% of the cultivated land is in private farms
8° о
is state owned farms. Out of 260.000 ha of orchards, only
20.000 ha are the govennent farms. The average size of private farms
varies from 3 to 40 ha.
In the years 1993*1994 about 7 min. fruit trees were produced.
There was 50° оof apples trees, 20% tart cherries, 11% sweet cherries,
9% plums and 7° о pears. In the apple tree production trees grafted
on M 26 have 55° o, on M 7 and MM 106 - 13%, M 9 - 16% and
polish rootstocks: P 22, P 60, No 59, P 2, P 14 and P 16 have 14°
Small trees we obtain also by high budding on semidwarf
rootstocks M 26 and P 14, 20-30 cm from the ground level. Jonagold
is presently the leading cultivar in new orchard together with its red
inutans: Jonagored and Jonica (35%), next is Szainpion (13%),
Idared (9%), Lobo (7%), Elstar (7%), Red Boskoop (6%), Cortland
(3%), Gloster (3%). One year old trees having minimum 12 mm
diameter and a few feathers are the best for planting. Better yields
can be obtained with two years old trees having one year old crown
with numerous feathers.
In Poland single row' system of planting is prefered. These
systems allows to plant from 1000 to 3000 apple trees per ha. More
dense planting systems are under several experiments and especially
multiple row' system with 2, 3, 4 or 5 rows planted very narrow'
together consisting from 2000 to 10000 trees per ha. High density
planting gave good results only in first years after establishing the
orchard. Soon alter that, crop per tree dropped down and fruit
quality declined. Fruit quality plays most important role on Polish
market. Fruit thining and summer pruning is a treatmens that can
improve size and fruit colour. To obtain good quality apples inten
sive protective program is necessary against apple scab and meldew\
It is necessary to spray 8-10 times and 2-3 times against insects. In
Poland is necessary to sell about 15 tons of good quality apples to
cover the cost of 1ha of orchard management.
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