A. I. Belski j
Sumy Agricultural Institute (Ukraine)
The researches in plants’ biology in agrocenosis and in ecological
conditions in 1978-1992 allowed to determine the zones of industrial
and consumer cherry growing in the North- Eastern r egions of the
Ukraine and to give the scientific basis to the technolagical methods
of fruit production by means of a bioclimagramma.
The researches of annual and daily biological rhythms of plants'
growth and development gave the results which allowed to determine
the turn-ware chavacter of the development of underground and
aboveground parts of a plant annually and to interpret im a different
light the mineral nouricheinent pvocess and water consumption.
There has been fomed the crown and found some advices concerning
the principle of prunning in ontogeny.
The facts gained in architectonics and root placement of some
varieties detrmined the mode of cpecing the plants up to 660 (5x3m) -
1250 (4.\2m) on a hectare and of shallow tillage within a now.
Advised have also been the grafts for a variety according to the
rind of soil in a garden block.
The biological response on physical irr itants a 1lowed to work out
themethods of accelerated growing up for transplant seedlings and
methods of seedlings adaptation to the sped fied planting places in a
garden on azimuth. The inhibiting nature of laser ray influence on
the development of the pa thogene in the "host” allowed to advise the
use of morning irradiation in fighting the coccomycosis.
The introduction of a new cherry growing technology carried out
an 40 ha in Dimitrov sovkhos of Sumy region for 8 years gave at the
plants of 1982 the 40% average yield increase compared with the
usual technologies.
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