Inaddition to man made crosses, natural outcrosses of ssp.
with ssp.
exist in
Cyprus, Israel, Ethiopia, North Africa and other countries, having also brittle rachis, 6*rowed or two-
rowed types (Hadjichristodoulou, 1992b). Two pasture barley varieties have been released In
Cyprus, Akhera, a mixture of 2400 selected plants of natural outcrosses and Mia Milia, a mixture
of bulks of 117 man-made crosses. In the first year, the seed was covered by a light cultivation.
Since then the pastures germinate from the seed dropped Into the soil during the previous years.
No reseeding is necessary after the first year. They are grazed continuously for 3-4 months, and
then for 30-40 days before maturity they are not grazed in order to produce seed. The dry pasture
is then grazed during the summer and autumn. The total dry matter production in these pastures
was 3-9 t/ha, depending on the amount of rainfall (Hadjichristodoulou, 1995). This is very high yield
for the dryland areas of the Mediterranean region.
Pasture barley is a new use of existing genetic resources, which have not been exploited at all in
the past. This is the first time that experimental evidence is presented for using wildbarley genetic
resources as a pasture crop. Pasture barley can be sown in marginal lands, rocky or stony fields
as well as in uncultivated non-productive pasture areas. This is actually a new system of using
barley. It adds another significant use of barley to a variety of present uses (feed grain, malting,
hooman food (naked barley), hay, silage and grazing fields sown with barley.
The advantages of using self-regenerating pasture barley In the driest parts of the world lie in its
wide adaptation to hot and dry climates and its stability of performance. Even in the most dry
seasons, when other crops faile to give any yield, brittle rachis wild barley produces substantial
forage for grazing.
Breeders recently realized the great potential of genes present inwild barley, which have enabled
the survival of the species under the most harsh environmental conditions. As a result, there Is an
increasing use of wild barley in crosses with ssp.
, Inorder to develop tough rachis barley
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