414 Вопросы биотехнологии VALIDATION OF FILTERS FOR MEMBRANE FILTRATION OF DRUGS FOR QUALITY CONTROL V.P. Levina, L.F. Prikhodko, V.I. Diev, Ye.A. Chepurkina, L.V. Feskova Summary Membrane cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate and regenerated cellulose polytetrafluorethylene filters as well as polycarbonate and Teflon filters were validated for their ability to retain test strains of St. aureus, E.coli, Ps. aeruginosa, C. albicans, B. subtilis, A.niger after filtration of baytril (flouroqionolones derivative), baymec (anthelmithic [ivermectin in propylene glycol]), emulsion FMD vaccine and water for injection. All filters passed tests i.e. they preserved integrity and retained all above-mentioned strains. Water for injection, baytril and emulsion FMD vaccine passed through cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate and regenerated cellulose filters, baymec passed through regenerated cellulose, Teflon and polytetrafluorethylene filters. The polytetrafluorethylene filter required to be treated with isopropyl alcohol before use. Электронная Научная СельскоХозяйственная Библиотека