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Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока, № 2 (45), 2015 г.


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Breeding and original seed growing of naked oats

1, 2

Batalova G.A.,

professor, corresponding member of RAS, deputy director,

Head of section of breeding, seed growing and biotechnology


Vedernikov Yu.E.,

PhD, head of department


North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


North-East Regional Agrarian Scientific Center, Kirov, Russia

Oats is important cereal crop in Russia. Naked oats is cultivated along with wide-spread covered oats.

Ways of organization of original seed growing in primary links are designed taking into account of breeding

methodology for effective introducing of a crop into agricultural industry. Studies were conducted in Kirov

region in 2006-2014. Selection of elite plants was conducted by sampling of the best panicles of main stem

in amount of 1500-2000 pieces annually into test nursery of second year progeny. Sowing of first year test

nursery was done with cassette seeder in one- or two-row plots. Observations and selections is need from

full emergency stage when species admix may be deleted – first leaves of oats are left-turned, of other cere-

als – right-turned. Basic rejection in full heading stage consists in deleting of non-typic, low developed

plants, plants having diseases traits and tends to lodging with hands or sickle. Further plants with diseases

manifistation, low-grain panicles and deviations in terms of maturing are rejected too. Harvesting is done

with total thrashing by breeding combine with 5-10 families in one packet. Each packet is controlled indi-

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