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Ю.Л. Мешалкина


Lagacherie P.

Digital Soil Mapping: a state of the art. // Digital soil mapping with limited

data / Eds. Hartemink A., McBratney A.B., Mendonca L. Vol. 2. Montpellier: Springer-Verlag,

2008. P. 3-181.

Lagacherie P., McBratney A.B.

Chapter 1 Spatial Soil Information Systems and Spatial Soil

Inference Systems: Perspectives for Digital Soil Mapping Review Article // Digital Soil Map-

ping. An Introductory Perspective / Eds. Lagacherie P., McBratney A.B., Voltz M. Develop-

ments in Soil Science. V.31. 2007. Amsterdam: Elsevier. P.3-22.

Mallavan B.P., Minasny B., McBratney A.B.

Homosoil, a methodology for quantitative ex-

trapolation of soil information across the globe // Digital Soil Mapping – Bridging Research, En-

vironmental Application, and Operation. - Dordrecht: Springer, 2010. P. 137-150.

Minasny B., McBratney A.B

. Chapter 12 Latin Hypercube Sampling as a Tool for Digital

Soil Mapping // Digital Soil Mapping. An Introductory Perspective. / Eds. Lagacherie P.,

McBratney A.B., Voltz M. Developments in Soil Science. V.31. 2007. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


McBratney A.B., Mendoça Santos M.L., Minasny B.

On digital soil mapping //

Geoderma.V.117. Iss. 1–2. 2003. P.3–52.

Qi F., Zhu A.X., Harrowerc M., Burtc J.E.

Fuzzy soil mapping based on prototype category

theory // Geoderma. V. 136. Iss. 3–4. 2006. P. 774–787.

Shary P.A., Sharaya L.S., Mitusov A.V

. Fundamental quantitative methods of land surface

analysis // Geoderma. V.107. Iss. 1–2. 2002. P.1–32.

Smith M.P., Zhu A.X., Burt J.E., Stiles C.

Effects of DEM resolution and neighborhood size

on digital soil survey // Geoderma. V. 137. 2006. P.58-69.

Sanchez P.A., Ahamed S., Carré F., Hartemink A.E., Hempel J., Huising J., Lagacherie P.,

McBratney A.B., McKenzie N.J., Mendonça-Santos M.L., Minasny B., Montanarella L., Okoth

P., Palm C.A., Sachs J.D., Shepher K.D., Vågen T.-G., Vanlauwe B.,Walsh M.G., Winowiecki

L.A., Zhang G.-L.

Digital Soil Map of the World // Science. V. 325. No. 5941. 2009. P. 680-681.

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